Remedial Law

People of the Philippines vs. Rufino Umanito  G.R. No. 172607 April 16, 2009 DNA Evidence, Disputable presumption



The instant case involved a charge of rape. The accused Rufino Umanito was found by the RTC guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of rape. The alleged 1989 rape of the private complainant, AAA, had resulted in her pregnancy and the birth of a child hereinafter identified as “BBB.” 

In view of that fact, as well as the defense of alibi raised by Umanito, the Court deemed uncovering whether or not Umanito is the father of BBB.

With the advance in genetics and the availability of new technology, it can now be determined with reasonable certainty whether appellant is the father of AAA’s child. 

The DNA test result shall be simultaneously disclosed to the parties in Court. The [NBI] is, therefore, enjoined not to disclose to the parties in advance the DNA test results. The [NBI] is further enjoined to observe the confidentiality of the DNA profiles and all results or other information obtained from DNA testing and is hereby ordered to preserve the evidence until such time as the accused has been acquitted or served his sentence.

The DNA analysis on the Buccal Swabs and Blood stained on FTA paper taken from [AAA], [BBB], and Umanito, to determine whether or not Umanito is the biological father of [BBB], showed that there is a Complete Match in allof the 15 loci tested between the alleles of Umanito and [BBB]; That based on the above findings, there is a 99.9999% probability of paternity that Umanito is the biological father of BBB. 

The defense admitted that if the value of the Probability of Paternity is 99.9% or higher, there shall be a disputable presumption of paternity.


Whether Umanito is the biological father of [BBB].





Court resolved, for the very first time, to apply the then recently promulgated New Rules on DNA Evidence (DNA Rules). The DNA testing has evinced a contrary conclusion, and that as testified to by AAA, Umanito had fathered the child she gave birth to on 5 April 1990, nine months after the day she said she was raped by Umanito. 

Disputable presumptions are satisfactory if uncontradicted but may be contradicted andovercome by other evidence (Rule 131, Section 3).

The disputable presumption that was established as a result of the DNA testing was not contradicted and overcome by other evidence considering that the accused did not object to the admission of the results of the DNA testing (Exhibits “A” and “B” inclusive of sub-markings) nor presented evidence to rebut the same. 

By filing Motion to Withdraw Appeal, Umanito is deemed to have acceded to the rulings of the RTC and the Courtof Appeals finding him guilty of the crime of rape, and sentencing him to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua and the indemnification of the private complainant in the sum of P50,000.00.

Given that the results of the Court-ordered DNA testing conforms with the conclusions of the lower courts, and that no cause is presented for us to deviate from the penalties imposed below, the Court sees no reason to deny Umanitos Motion to Withdraw Appeal.The instant case is now CLOSED and TERMINATED.

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