Political Law

PKSMMN vs.EXECUTIVE SECRETARY G.R. Nos. 147036-37 April 10, 2012 coco levy funds, substantive due proces

FACTS:  In 1976 President Marcos enacted P.D. 961, the Coconut Industry Code, which consolidated and codified existing laws relating to the coconut industry. The Code provided that surpluses from the CCS Fund and the CID Fund collections, not used for replanting and other authorized purposes, were to be invested by acquiring shares of stock of corporations,… Read More PKSMMN vs.EXECUTIVE SECRETARY G.R. Nos. 147036-37 April 10, 2012 coco levy funds, substantive due proces

Criminal Law

Ladonga vs. People of the Philippines G.R. No. 141066, Feb. 17, 2005 BP 22

FACTS:  Evangelina and Adronico Ladonga and spouse, conspiring and knowing fully well that they did not have sufficient funds deposited with the United Coconut Planters Bank (UCPB), drew and issue UCPB Check No. 284743 postdated July 7, 1990 in the amount of P9,075.55), payable to Alfredo Oculam, and thereafter, without informing the latter that they… Read More Ladonga vs. People of the Philippines G.R. No. 141066, Feb. 17, 2005 BP 22

Civil Law

HEIRS OF JOSE AMUNATEGUI vs. DIRECTOR OF FORESTRY G.R. No. L-27873. November 29, 1983 public domain, public forest land, Revised Administrative Code

FACTS: These are two petitions for review on certiorari questioning the decision of the CA which declared the disputed property as forest land, not subject to titling in favor of private persons. These petitions have their genesis in an application for confirmation of imperfect title and its registration filed with the Court of First Instance… Read More HEIRS OF JOSE AMUNATEGUI vs. DIRECTOR OF FORESTRY G.R. No. L-27873. November 29, 1983 public domain, public forest land, Revised Administrative Code

Criminal Law

US vs CARLOS G.R. No. 6295 September 1, 1911 THEFT, LARCENY

FACTS: The accused had been a consumer of electricity furnished by the Manila Electric Railroad and Light Company for a building containing the residence of the accused and three other residences. The representatives of the company, believing that more light was being used than their meter showed, installed an additional meter (Exhibit A) on a… Read More US vs CARLOS G.R. No. 6295 September 1, 1911 THEFT, LARCENY

Criminal Law

Josef vs. People G.R. No. 146424 November 18, 2005 malum prohibitum, bouncing checks, BP 22

Facts:   From June to August, 1991, petitioner, a Marikina-based manufacturer and seller of shoes, purchased materials from respondent Agustin Alarilla, a seller of leather products from Meycauayan, Bulacan, for which the former issued a total of 26 postdated checks against his account with the Associated Bank and Far East Bank & Trust Company (Marikina… Read More Josef vs. People G.R. No. 146424 November 18, 2005 malum prohibitum, bouncing checks, BP 22

Remedial Law

JUDITH YU vs. HON. ROSA SAMSON-TATAD and the PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES G.R. No. 170979 February 9, 2011 fresh period rule, appeal

FACTS: An Information for Estafa against the petitioner was filed with the RTC. The RTC convicted the petitioner as charged. Fourteen (14) days later, the petitioner filed a motion for new trial with the RTC, alleging that she discovered new and material evidence that would exculpate her of the crime for which she was convicted.… Read More JUDITH YU vs. HON. ROSA SAMSON-TATAD and the PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES G.R. No. 170979 February 9, 2011 fresh period rule, appeal

Civil Law

NIKKO HOTEL MANILA GARDEN and RUBY LIM vs. ROBERTO REYES, a.k.a. “AMAY BISAYA” G.R. No. 154259 February 28, 2005 Abuse of Rights, Article 19, Article 20, Article 21 Civil Code, damages, doctrine of volenti non fit injuria

    NIKKO HOTEL MANILA GARDEN and RUBY LIM vs. ROBERTO REYES, a.k.a. “AMAY BISAYA” G.R. No. 154259 February 28, 2005   FACTS:   Reyes, more popularly known by the screen name “Amay Bisaya,” alleged that while he was having coffee at the lobby of Hotel Nikko, Mrs. Filart, his friend of several years, approached… Read More NIKKO HOTEL MANILA GARDEN and RUBY LIM vs. ROBERTO REYES, a.k.a. “AMAY BISAYA” G.R. No. 154259 February 28, 2005 Abuse of Rights, Article 19, Article 20, Article 21 Civil Code, damages, doctrine of volenti non fit injuria

Remedial Law

NEYPES vs. CA G.R. No. 141524 September 14, 2005 appeal, BP 129, Rule 41, Rules of Court

   FACTS: Petitioners Neypes, et al. filed an action for annulment of judgment and titles of land and/or reconveyance and/or reversion with preliminary injunction against the Bureau of Forest Development, Bureau of Lands, Land Bank of the Philippines and the heirs of Bernardo del Mundo.   The trial court dismissed petitioners complaint on the ground… Read More NEYPES vs. CA G.R. No. 141524 September 14, 2005 appeal, BP 129, Rule 41, Rules of Court

Criminal Law, Remedial Law

COLMENARES, v. VILLAR G.R. No. L-27124. May 29, 1970 illegal possession of firearms, malum prohibitum, venue

FACTS:   Petitioner Colmenares was charged for illegal possession of firearms. He thereafter filed a motion to quash the complaint on the ground of lack of jurisdiction. It was claimed that venue was improperly laid, because the firearms mentioned in the complaint were taken from the possession of the accused in the municipality of La… Read More COLMENARES, v. VILLAR G.R. No. L-27124. May 29, 1970 illegal possession of firearms, malum prohibitum, venue

Political Law

Sandoval Notes – Political Law Bill of Rights Right against Unreasonable Searches and Seizures

The Right against Unreasonable Searches and Seizures   Discuss the constitutional requirement that a judge, in issuing a warrant of arrest, must determine probable cause “personally.” Distinguish determination of probable cause by the prosecutor and determination of probable cause by the judge.   Held: It must be stressed that the 1987 Constitution requires the judge… Read More Sandoval Notes – Political Law Bill of Rights Right against Unreasonable Searches and Seizures