Civil Law

CORPUZ vs. STO. TOMAS ART. 26 Family Code G.R. No. 186571 August 11, 2010 Article 26 of the Family Code, recognition of a foreign divorce decree

FACTS: Petitioner Gerbert Corpuz was a former Filipino citizen who acquired Canadian citizenship married respondent Daisilyn Sto. Tomas, a Filipina, in Pasig City. Gerbert left for Canada soon after the wedding. When he returned to the Philippines and discovered that his wife was having an affair with another man, he filed a petition for divorce before… Read More CORPUZ vs. STO. TOMAS ART. 26 Family Code G.R. No. 186571 August 11, 2010 Article 26 of the Family Code, recognition of a foreign divorce decree

Criminal Law, Mercantile Law, Remedial Law

PEOPLE v. JOSE C. GO, et al. G.R. No. 191015, August 06, 2014 certiorari, Demurrer to Evidence, estafa, fiduciary nature of banks, Rule 65, simple loan

FACTS Orient Commercial Banking Corporation (OCBC), a commercial bank was ordered closed by the BSP.  PDIC was designated as OCBC receiver, and it took over the bank’s affairs, assets and liabilities, records, and collected the bank’s receivables. In 1997, it appears that fictitious loans in favor of two entities – Timmy’s, Inc. and Asia Textile… Read More PEOPLE v. JOSE C. GO, et al. G.R. No. 191015, August 06, 2014 certiorari, Demurrer to Evidence, estafa, fiduciary nature of banks, Rule 65, simple loan

Remedial Law

EVIDENCE CASE DIGESTS SENATOR ESTRADA v. OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN G.R. Nos. 212140-41, 21 January 2015 Quantum of proof necessary in preliminary investigations Prof. Ramon S. Esguerra

    Facts:                         Sometime in November and December 2013, the Ombudsman served on Sen. Estrada two (2) criminal complaints for plunder, among others. Eighteen (18) of Sen. Estrada’s co-respondents in the two complaints filed their counter-affidavits between 9 December 2013 and 14 March 2014. On 20 March 2014, Sen. Estrada filed his “Request… Read More EVIDENCE CASE DIGESTS SENATOR ESTRADA v. OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN G.R. Nos. 212140-41, 21 January 2015 Quantum of proof necessary in preliminary investigations Prof. Ramon S. Esguerra

Remedial Law


Probative value of expert witness’ testimony   Facts: This case pertains to a Deed of Sale over a parcel land in Pasay City, originally owned by Spouses Eduviges and Nick Garbo. In March 1977, Eduviges, with the supposed consent and signature of Nick, sold said lot to their daughter, Florence. Florence registered the property in… Read More EVIDENCE CASE DIGESTS JANUARY TO JUNE 2015 Prof. Ramon S. Esguerra GEPULLE-GARBO v. SPOUSES GARABATO G.R. No. 200013, 14 January 2015