Labor Law

St. Joseph College vs. SJC Workers G.R. No. 155609 January 17, 2005

FACTS: Petitioner is a non-stock, non-profit Catholic educational institution while respondent is a legitimate labor organization which is currently the official bargaining representative of all employees of petitioner except the faculty and consultants of the Graduate School, managerial employees and those who occupy confidential positions. Respondent has an existing CBA with petitioner for the period… Read More St. Joseph College vs. SJC Workers G.R. No. 155609 January 17, 2005

Labor Law

DY KEH BENG vs. INTERNATIONAL LABOR and MARINE UNION OF THE PHILIPPINES, ET AL. G.R. No. L-32245 May 25, 1979 Employer-employee Relationship, Unfair labor practice, Control test

  FACTS: A charge of unfair labor practice was filed against Dy Keh Beng, proprietor of a basket factory, for discriminatory acts within the meaning of Section 4(a), sub-paragraph (1) and (4). Republic Act No. 875, by dismissing Carlos N. Solano and Ricardo Tudla for their union activities. After preliminary investigation was conducted, a case… Read More DY KEH BENG vs. INTERNATIONAL LABOR and MARINE UNION OF THE PHILIPPINES, ET AL. G.R. No. L-32245 May 25, 1979 Employer-employee Relationship, Unfair labor practice, Control test

Constitutional Law, Labor Law

JACULBE vs. SILLIMAN UNIVERSITY G.R. No. 156934 March 16, 2007 Compulsory Retirement, CBA, Security of Tenure Clause Illegal Dismissal

FACTS: Petitioner began working for respondents university medical center as a nurse. Respondent, through its Human Resources Development Office, informed petitioner that she was approaching her 35th year of service with the university and was due for automatic retirement on November 18, 1993, at which time she would be 57 years old. This was pursuant… Read More JACULBE vs. SILLIMAN UNIVERSITY G.R. No. 156934 March 16, 2007 Compulsory Retirement, CBA, Security of Tenure Clause Illegal Dismissal

Labor Law, Political Law

YAP vs. THENAMARIS SHIP’S MANAGEMENT and INTERMARE MARITIME AGENCIES, INC.,  G.R. No. 179532 May 30, 2011 Sec. 10 of R.A. 8042

FACTS:  Claudio S. Yap was employed as electrician of the vessel, M/T SEASCOUT by Intermare Maritime Agencies, Inc. in behalf of its principal, Vulture Shipping Limited. The contract of employment entered into by Yap and Capt. Francisco B. Adviento, the General Manager of Intermare, was for a duration of 12 months. On 23 August 2001,… Read More YAP vs. THENAMARIS SHIP’S MANAGEMENT and INTERMARE MARITIME AGENCIES, INC.,  G.R. No. 179532 May 30, 2011 Sec. 10 of R.A. 8042