Banking, Bar Q & A, Corporation Law, Insurance, Mercantile Law

2015 Bar Exam Suggested Answers in Mercantile Law by the UP Law Complex

  I. (A) Nadine has a checking account with Fair & Square Bank. One day, she lost her checkbook and the finder was able to forge her signature and encash the forged check. Will Nadine be able to recover the amount debited from her checking account from Fair & Square Bank? Justify your answer. (3%)… Read More 2015 Bar Exam Suggested Answers in Mercantile Law by the UP Law Complex

Insurance, Mercantile Law

SUN LIFE v. MA. DAISY SIBYA G.R. No. 211212, June 08, 2016 Insurance, Concealment, Two-year Contestability Period

FACTS: On January 10, 2001, Atty. Jesus Sibya, Jr. applied for life insurance with Sun Life. In his Application for Insurance, he indicated that he had sought advice for kidney problems. Sun Life approved the application and issued Insurance Policy No. 031097335. The policy indicated the respondents as beneficiaries and entitles them to a death… Read More SUN LIFE v. MA. DAISY SIBYA G.R. No. 211212, June 08, 2016 Insurance, Concealment, Two-year Contestability Period