Remedial Law

ATIENZA vs. BOARD OF MEDICINE and EDITHA SIOSON G.R. No. 177407 February 9, 2011 Admissibility of Evidence

FACTS: Due to her lumbar pains, private respondent Editha Sioson went to Rizal Medical Center for check-up. The tests revealed that her right kidney is normal. It was ascertained, however, that her left kidney is non-functioning and non-visualizing. Thus, she underwent kidney operation. On February 18, 2000, private respondent’s husband, filed a complaint for gross… Read More ATIENZA vs. BOARD OF MEDICINE and EDITHA SIOSON G.R. No. 177407 February 9, 2011 Admissibility of Evidence

Constitutional Law, Remedial Law

People vs. Plaza G.R. No 176933 Oct. 2, 2009 Right to Bail

  FACTS: Raising only questions of law, the People’s petition for review on certiorari assails the Decision of the CA which affirmed the Order of the RTC fixing bail for the temporary liberty of Luis Bucalon Plaza who was indicted for Murder. The defense contended that in view of Judge Buyser’s ruling that the prosecution… Read More People vs. Plaza G.R. No 176933 Oct. 2, 2009 Right to Bail

Constitutional Law, Remedial Law

TAN vs. REPUBLIC G.R. No. 170740 May 25, 2007 Expropriation, Taking, Power of Eminent Domain

  FACTS: Petitioner is the registered owner of a parcel of land located in Pulang Lupa, Las Piñas City. She acquired this property from the San Antonio Development Corporation (SADC) as shown by a document whereby she assumed SADC’s “obligation of paying all imposable taxes due said land.” In consideration of such assumption and “for… Read More TAN vs. REPUBLIC G.R. No. 170740 May 25, 2007 Expropriation, Taking, Power of Eminent Domain

Remedial Law

PEOPLE VS. UY G.R. No. 158157 September 30, 2005 Demurrer to Evidence, Certiorari, Rule 65

FACTS: Louel Uy and Teofilo Panangin were charged for the killing of Rabel Campos who was found dead with several stab wounds. The RTC granted the separate demurrer to evidence of accused Uy and Panangin resulting in their acquittal for murder due to insufficiency of evidence, but nevertheless holding them jointly and severally liable to… Read More PEOPLE VS. UY G.R. No. 158157 September 30, 2005 Demurrer to Evidence, Certiorari, Rule 65

Criminal Law, Remedial Law

PEOPLE vs. DORIA G.R. No. 125299. January 22, 1999 Illegal Sale of Dangerous Drugs, Warrantless Arrests, Search and Seizure, Plain View Doctrine

FACTS: Accused-appellants Florencio Doria and Violeta Gaddao were charged with violation of Section 4, in relation to Section 21 of the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972. Members of PNP Narcotics Command (Narcom), received information from two civilian informants (CI) that one “Jun” who was later identified to be Florencio Doria was engaged in illegal drug… Read More PEOPLE vs. DORIA G.R. No. 125299. January 22, 1999 Illegal Sale of Dangerous Drugs, Warrantless Arrests, Search and Seizure, Plain View Doctrine

Remedial Law

PALU-AY vs. CA G.R. No. 112995. July 30, 1998 Double Jeopardy, Annulment of judgment

FACTS: In the case at bar, it is contended that the decision of the RTC should be annulled because it is based on an issue not made out during the trial. This case of annulment of final judgment was dismissed by the CA. the CA held that petitioner could not validly file a petition for… Read More PALU-AY vs. CA G.R. No. 112995. July 30, 1998 Double Jeopardy, Annulment of judgment

Remedial Law

SANVICENTE vs. PEOPLE G.R. No. 132081. November 26, 2002 Appeal, Demurrer to Evidence, Finality-of-acquittal rule

FACTS: Petitioner was charged with homicide for killing the victim Wong after the latter allegedly attempted to rob him of a large amount of cash which he had just withdrawn from the automatic teller machine. Petitioner filed a demurrer to evidence after the prosecution adduced its evidence and rested its case. The trial court subsequently… Read More SANVICENTE vs. PEOPLE G.R. No. 132081. November 26, 2002 Appeal, Demurrer to Evidence, Finality-of-acquittal rule