Civil Law


RESUENA v. CA G.R. No. 128338. March 28, 2005   FACTS: Juanito Borromeo, Sr. (respondent), is the co-owner and overseer of certain parcels of land located in Talisay, Cebu and  owns six-eighths (6/8) of Lot No. 2587 while the late spouses Bascon own two-eights (2/8) thereof. Lot No. 2592 is owned in common by respondent… Read More Possession


VAT – Taxation

  TAKENAKA CORPORATION-PHILIPPINE BRANCH v. CIR  G.R. No. 193321, October 19, 2016 FACTS: Respondent Takenaka, as a subcontractor, entered into an On-Shore Construction Contract with Philippine Air Terminal Co., Inc. (PIATCO) for the purpose of constructing the NAIA Terminal 3. PIATCO is a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Philippines and… Read More VAT – Taxation

Criminal Law

Complex Crimes

People v. Carpo G.R. No. 132676. April 4, 2001   FACTS: Ruben Meriales testified that in the evening of 25 August 1996, he saw Jaime Carpo together with Warlito Ibao and his son Roche all looking in the direction of Florentino Dulay’s house which was about a meter to the south from where he was.… Read More Complex Crimes

Civil Law

Standard Oil Company v. Jaramillo G.R. No. L-20329 March 16, 1923 Property, Chattel Mortgage

Gervasia de la Rosa, Vda. de Vera, was the lessee of a parcel of land in Manila and owner of the house of strong materials built thereon. She executed a document in the form of a chattel mortgage, purporting to convey to the petitioner by way of mortgage both the leasehold interest in said lot… Read More Standard Oil Company v. Jaramillo G.R. No. L-20329 March 16, 1923 Property, Chattel Mortgage

Criminal Law, Political Law


Three conditions to be entitled to read or print these materials: 1. Share these materials to your friends; 2. Do not delete my posters; 3. Read my posters (he he he). Thanks ADMISSION OF GUILT In Vera vs. People, G.R. No. L-18184, January 31, 1963, the Supreme Court En Banc rejected the argument of the… Read More SHORT REVIEWER ON AMNESTY FOR 2018 BAR EXAMS BY JUDGE MARLO CAMPANILLA

Labor Law

PEOPLE v. PANIS G.R. Nos. L-58674-77 July 11, 1990 Illegal Recruitment

FACTS: Four informations were filed alleging that Serapio Abug, “without first securing a license from the Ministry of Labor as a holder of authority to operate a fee-charging employment agency, did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and criminally operate a private fee charging employment agency by charging fees and expenses (from) and promising employment in… Read More PEOPLE v. PANIS G.R. Nos. L-58674-77 July 11, 1990 Illegal Recruitment

Labor Law

ATCI v. Echin October 11, 2010 G.R. No. 178551 Liability of the principal/employer and the recruitment/placement agency, Probationary employment

FACTS: Josefina Echin was hired by petitioner ATCI Overseas Corporation in behalf of its principal-co-petitioner, the Ministry of Public Health of Kuwait, for the position of medical technologist under a two-year contract, denominated as a MOA. Under the MOA, all newly-hired employees undergo a probationary period of one year. Respondent was deployed on February 17, 2000… Read More ATCI v. Echin October 11, 2010 G.R. No. 178551 Liability of the principal/employer and the recruitment/placement agency, Probationary employment

Labor Law

Hellenic Philippine Shipping v. Siete G.R. No. 84082   March 13, 1991 Illegal Dismissal, Managerial Employees

FACTS: Siete was employed on May 22, 1985, as Master of M/V Houda G by Sultan Shipping Co., Ltd., through its crewing agent, herein petitioner. He boarded the vessel on May 24, 1985, at Cyprus. From there, it sailed to El Ferrol, Spain, where it loaded cargo that it subsequently discharged at Tripoli, Lebanon. It… Read More Hellenic Philippine Shipping v. Siete G.R. No. 84082   March 13, 1991 Illegal Dismissal, Managerial Employees

Constitutional Law, Political Law, Remedial Law

Mijares v. Ranada Recognition of Foreign Judgments

FACTS: Ten Filipino citizens who each alleged having suffered human rights abuses such as arbitrary detention, torture and rape in the hands of police or military forces during the Marcos regime, filed with the US District Court, Hawaii, against the Estate Ferdinand E. Marcos. Trial ensued, and subsequently a jury rendered a Final Judgment and… Read More Mijares v. Ranada Recognition of Foreign Judgments