Criminal Law

Complex Crimes

People v. Carpo G.R. No. 132676. April 4, 2001   FACTS: Ruben Meriales testified that in the evening of 25 August 1996, he saw Jaime Carpo together with Warlito Ibao and his son Roche all looking in the direction of Florentino Dulay’s house which was about a meter to the south from where he was.… Read More Complex Crimes

Criminal Law

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES vs. MANALILI G.R. No. 191253 August 28, 2013 Rape, Statutory Rape, Alibi

FACTS: Manalili was charged with statutory rape as defined and penalized under Article 266-A, par. 1 of the Revised Penal Code in relation to Section 5(b) of R.A. No. 7610, otherwise known as “Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act.” AAA, the victim who was then barely eleven (11) years old… Read More PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES vs. MANALILI G.R. No. 191253 August 28, 2013 Rape, Statutory Rape, Alibi

Criminal Law, Remedial Law

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES vs. MARIAM BANDANG, ADING SALAMAT & RAKIMA ABUBAKAR G.R. No. 151314 June 3, 2004 Illegal Sale of Regulated Drugs, Alibi, Buy-bust Operation, Conspiracy, Frame-up, Illegal Sale of Dangerous Drugs, R.A. 7659

Doctrine: The commission of the offense of illegal sale of regulated drugs requires merely the consummation of the selling transaction. In a “buy-bust” operation, such as in the case at bar, what is important is the fact that the poseur-buyer received the shabu from the appellants and that the same was presented as evidence in… Read More PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES vs. MARIAM BANDANG, ADING SALAMAT & RAKIMA ABUBAKAR G.R. No. 151314 June 3, 2004 Illegal Sale of Regulated Drugs, Alibi, Buy-bust Operation, Conspiracy, Frame-up, Illegal Sale of Dangerous Drugs, R.A. 7659