Remedial Law

ATIENZA vs. BOARD OF MEDICINE and EDITHA SIOSON G.R. No. 177407 February 9, 2011 Admissibility of Evidence

FACTS: Due to her lumbar pains, private respondent Editha Sioson went to Rizal Medical Center for check-up. The tests revealed that her right kidney is normal. It was ascertained, however, that her left kidney is non-functioning and non-visualizing. Thus, she underwent kidney operation. On February 18, 2000, private respondent’s husband, filed a complaint for gross… Read More ATIENZA vs. BOARD OF MEDICINE and EDITHA SIOSON G.R. No. 177407 February 9, 2011 Admissibility of Evidence

Constitutional Law, Political Law, Remedial Law

PEOPLE VS. DOMINGO REYES G.R. No. 178300 March 17, 2009 581 SCRA 691 Rights of an Accused, Evidence, Extra-judicial Confessions

FACTS: On July 16, 1999, at Sitio Lambakin, San Jose del Monte, Bulacan, accused-appellant, conspiring, confederating and mutually helping one another and grouping themselves together with Juanito Pataray Cayaban, Federico Pataray Cabayan and Rommel Libarnes Acejo, who are still at large, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously, by means of force and intimidation… Read More PEOPLE VS. DOMINGO REYES G.R. No. 178300 March 17, 2009 581 SCRA 691 Rights of an Accused, Evidence, Extra-judicial Confessions

Remedial Law

EVIDENCE CASE DIGESTS SENATOR ESTRADA v. OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN G.R. Nos. 212140-41, 21 January 2015 Quantum of proof necessary in preliminary investigations Prof. Ramon S. Esguerra

    Facts:                         Sometime in November and December 2013, the Ombudsman served on Sen. Estrada two (2) criminal complaints for plunder, among others. Eighteen (18) of Sen. Estrada’s co-respondents in the two complaints filed their counter-affidavits between 9 December 2013 and 14 March 2014. On 20 March 2014, Sen. Estrada filed his “Request… Read More EVIDENCE CASE DIGESTS SENATOR ESTRADA v. OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN G.R. Nos. 212140-41, 21 January 2015 Quantum of proof necessary in preliminary investigations Prof. Ramon S. Esguerra