Mercantile Law

CAGAYAN FISHING DEVELOPMENT CO., INC., vs.TEODORO SANDIKO G.R. No. 43350 December 23, 1937 Corporation, Incorporation, Promoters of Corporation

FACTS: Manuel Tabora is the registered owner of four parcels of landĀ  and he wanted to build a Fishery. He loaned from PNB P8,000 and to guaranteeĀ the payment of the loan, he mortgaged the said parcels of land. Three subsequent mortgages were executed in favor of the same bank and to Severina Buzon, whom Tabora… Read More CAGAYAN FISHING DEVELOPMENT CO., INC., vs.TEODORO SANDIKO G.R. No. 43350 December 23, 1937 Corporation, Incorporation, Promoters of Corporation